Participants of the project
Coordinator RHR 2.0 (2012-2019)

Prof. Dr. Dr. Hans-Georg Ziebertz (Germany)
Professor of Practical Theology / Religious Education, University of Würzburg
Coordinator RHR 1.0 (1997-2011)

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Johannes (Hans) van der Ven (The Netherlands)
Associate researcher religion and human rights, Radboud University Nijmegen

Modestus Adimekwe (Nigeria)
Visiting researcher at Würzburg University

Dr. Milda Alisauskiene (Lithuania)
Associate Professor of Sociology of Religion, Vytautas Magnus University
“One of the major things in this project is its international perspective. The relation between religion and Human Rights is very important and relevant for my own country as well and I am glad that I will be able to share my insights on the situation in Lithuania with colleagues from other countries.”

Dr. Pal Ketil Botvar (Norway)
Researcher of Political Science, Centre for church research Norway
“I think this project about Human Rights is very important also in Norway. We recently had a church state system what is now formally abandoned it and it is very interesting to see what will happen regarding the situation of religious rights.”

Dr. Elena Bogdanova (Russia)
Scientific researcher of Sociology, Centre for Independent Research St. Petersburg
“I’m very glad to be involved in this promising and ambitious project that, since it involves twenty countries, is rather a comparison research between those countries.”

Prof. Dr. Gordan Crpic (Croatia)
Head of the department of Sociology, Croation Catholic University

Prof. Dr. Simeon Evstatiev (Bulgaria)
Associate Professor of Islamic Studies / History of Islam, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
“I think it’s a great project because it covers a huge and diverse territory of different countries. And this is also why it is a big challenge, though I am confident that this will be a great success.”

Rev. Dr. Clement Fumbo (Tanzania)
Researcher and academican in the field of religious studies, The Open University of Tanzania

Prof. Dr. Stefan Huber (Switzerland)
Professor for empirical research in religion and interreligious communication, University of Bern

Prof. Dr. Üzeyir Ok (Turkey)
Department of Psychology, Cumhuriyet University
“This project will be very useful for the Turkish population in terms of understanding their attitudes towards human rights and the social problems related to them.”

Prof. Dr. Lluis Oviedo (Italy)
Professor for Theological Anthropology and Fundamental Theology, University Antonianum of Rome

Prof. univ. dr. Silviu Rogobete (Romania)
Professor at West University of Timisoara

Dr. Henry Rozario (India)
Sacred Heart College, Tamil Nadu, India

Dr. Claudia Sarti (USA)
Center for the study of Law and Religion, Emery University of Law

Dr. Iryna Sheiko-Ivankiv (Poland/Ukraine)
Staff Attorney at the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative Kyiv

Prof. Joaquín Silva Soler (Chile)
Pontificial University Santiago de Chile

Dr. Anders Sjöborg (Sweden)
Sociologist, Uppsala University
“Researching Human Rights and Religion is very important to increase the culture of Human Rights in European Countries.”

Dr. Carl Sterkens (The Netherlands)
Associate Professor Empirical Religious Studies
Radboud University Nijmegen, NL

Dr. Christos N. Tsironis (Greece)
Senior Lecturer for Contemporary Social Theory, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
"This project truly is a challenge and an invitation. The Religion and Human Rights topic is a crucial field of research and a paradigm of interdisciplinary work"

Dr. Alexander Unser, B.A.
Research Associate, University of Würzburg

Prof. Dr. Viktor Yelensky (Ukraine)
Ukrainian Catholic University Lviv
Dragomanov University Kyiv
“We’re witnessing the so-called great returning of religion in a rather aggressive manner. So the ways of reconciliation between the two sources of authority, religion and politics, is a great scientific and societal task.”

Dr. Francesco Zaccaria (Italy)
Lecturer of Practical Theology, Apulian Theological Faculty

Dr. Katarzyna Zielinska (Poland)
Institute of Sociology, Jageiellonian University

Dr. Sophie Zviadadze (Georgia)
Coordinator of the Civil Integration Program by Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development, Ilia State Univercity, Georgia
“We experience now a renaissance of religion and also tendencies of secularization in Georgia. The results from this research can help us to explain these in our modern society.”