Prof. Dr. Barbara Schmitz

Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Languages
President of the University Senate
Equal Opportunities Officer, Faculty of Catholic Theology
Bibrastraße 14, Room 00.001
97070 Würzburg
Tel: 0931/ 31 86089
Office hours:
For an appointment, please contact
Research interests
- Jewish Literature of the Hellenistic and Roman period
- Septuagint Studies
- Book of Judith; 1-3 Maccabees; Esther; Book of Aristeas
- Narrative Books of the Bible (e.g., 1-2 Kings)
- Narratological Approaches to the Old Testament
- Locality and Society: Horizontal Binding Forces in Antiquity (DFG-funded research project)
Projects and Activities
- Chairwoman of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Deutschsprachigen Alttestamentlerinnen und Alttestamentler (AGAT)
- International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies (IOSCS), Member of the Executive Committee
- International Society for the Study of Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature (ISDCL), Member of the International Advisory Panel
- Chair of the Program Unit "Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature" at the SBL Annual Meeting
- Commentary on the Book of Judith in the series Internationaler Exegetischer Kommentar zum Alten Testament (IEKAT)/International Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament (IECOT)
- Commentary on Susanna, SBL Commentary on the Septuagint (SBLCS)
- Vetus Testament (Brill), Member of the Editorial Board
- Journal of Ancient Judaism (Brill), Member of the Editorial Board
- Catholic Biblical Quarterly, Member of the Editorial Board
- SBL Commentary on the Septuagint (SBLCS), joint editor-in-chief
- Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Yearbook (DCLY/De Gruyter), joint editor-in-chief
- Topics of Biblical Theology (TOBITH/Mohr Siebeck), joint editor-in-chief
- Stuttgarter Biblische Beiträge (SBB/ Verlag Katholisches Bibelwerk), joint editor-in-chief
- Permanent Contributor (Book Reviews), Biblische Notizen. Neue Folge
- Committee Advisor, Für die religiösen Beziehungen zum Judentum der Ökumenekommission (II), German Bishops' Conference
- Committee Member, Juden und Christen, Zentralkomitee der deutschen Katholiken (ZdK) since 2010
- Member, Ecumenism Committee of the Diocese of Würzburg
- Executive Board Member, Gesellschaft für christlich-jüdisches Zusammenarbeit in Würzburg und Unterfranken
- Scientific Advisor, Theologie im Fernkurs
- Member, Board of Trustees of Studium in Israel
- Member, Wissenschaftlicher Beirat des Katholischen Bibelwerks
- Member, Jury of the Cusanus Award, Cusanuswerk
- Member, Würzburger Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft
- Supervisor, certified by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Supervision (DGSV) and Systemische Gesellschaft (SG)
- Bibliodrama instructor
- Theme-centered interaction (TZI) (certificate), Ruth-Cohn-Institut
- AGENDA - Forum katholischer Theologinnen e.V.
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft der deutschsprachigen katholischen Alttestamentlerinnen und Alttestamentler (AGAT)
- Europäische Gesellschaft für die theologische Forschung von Frauen (ESWTR)
- Forum ehemaliger Studierender im Theologischen Studienjahr Dormition Abbey Jerusalem e.V.
- Gesellschaft für christlich-jüdisches Zusammenarbeit in Würzburg und Unterfranken e.V.
- International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies (IOSCS)
- International Society for the Study of Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature (ISDCL)
- Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)